Sunday, April 25, 2010

Baby Fever! (16 weeks 2 days)

So I may not have a big baby bump yet but I definitely have baby fever! Today we went to home depot and tried to pick out some paint colors for baby's room! We picked out two blues and two pinks, one dark and one light in each color. I have some pictures of the swatches posted below...but here's the vision I have in mind. The bottom half of the wall will be painted a chocolate brown, then there will be a bright white chair rail across the middle with either the blue or the pink on top. I saw it on a home makeover show probably over a year ago and wrote the idea down and I still love it!

Of course, Ryan and I like different shades of both of the colors. I like the lighter colors, what I think of as classic baby boy and baby girl blues and pinks and Ryan likes the darker colors. I really liked the light pink in the can but it looks a lot more lavendar on the wall and in the photos, although I was painting on a cream-colored wall and not a nice white primed wall.

We certainly don't have to make any decisions yet (although we do find out the sex three weeks from tomorrow!) it was really fun to do some more baby-related things.

Other than painting and getting the baby's room ready I'm really looking forward to registering! I can't wait to go to the store and pick out all the cute things for our little bubs! It's so crazy, such a dream come true, I still can't believe I get to do it all now :)

If you have some time check out the pics and leave some comments/opinions/advice about the paint colors!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fifteen weeks....feels like an eternity

For what it's worth, here is my latest "belly pic." A few qualifiers...(yes I'm qualifying my own belly pic...can you say high strung?).
#1 I didn't exactly start out pre-pregnancy at 120 lbs and a flat tummy
#2 Depending on the pair of pants or skirt that I'm wearing and where it hits me, this "bump" looks different every day...some days it's there some days it's not.

Ok so there were only 2 qualifiers, but I thought I'd at least try to put up a visual to go along with my frustration from my last post.

Meanwhile the nausea has started to come back in small bits, unfortunately. I'll be fine for 3 or 4 days and then I'll get home one night and just feel awful until the next morning. It's definitely linked to hunger mostly, but in order to avoid being nauseous sometimes I'd literally have to eat every second of every day! It's crazy. I'm used to trying to limit how much I eat not eat all the time!

I'm also still pretty tired, although I have been exercising a ton and that has helped with my energy level...or at least makes me feel that the occassional nap is more justified :)

Still haven't gained any weight so keep your fingers crossed for me that I will start gaining some weight and looking more pregnant while continuing to feel good!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Frustrated at 14 weeks!

So I've been feeling really frustrated lately...I'm not really showing yet but I don't exactly have my pre-baby body either. I just feel kind of chunky and it's super frustrating b/c I want to have a belly to show off, not just a shirt that is too tight! Ryan keeps wanting to take a belly pic, but there's not really anything to take a picture of. I think my fat is just kind of redistributing and so I have one kind of bump above the belly button and then one bump unflattering! I still haven't gained any weight either. Never thought I'd be excited to gain weight but I'm just itching to look pregnant! I guess when I think of a pregnant woman in her 2nd trimester I just always assumed I'd be showing by now! I know one day I'm just gonna wake up with a belly and in a month or two when I'm huge I'm going to wonder why I ever was wishing this upon myself, but I just can't wait anymore! Guess there's not much else I can do, though....

Friday, April 2, 2010

1st trimester screening! (13 weeks)

We had our first trimester screening today and we got to see the baby in full form! He (again I assume it's a he) was sucking his thumb, had his legs crossed and moving around quite a bit! It was soooo incredible to see him acting like a baby when I don't even have a belly yet! I can't even imagine what the next six months will bring. I also think I saw a little pee pee! The technician said that female parts can be dilated at this time and this is why they don't give a 100% positive anatomy result at this time, but I was convinced from day 1 that I was having a boy and now I'm even more convinced!

I've been feeling better and better lately and yesterday I actually had no nausea at all, woohoo! I'm trying really hard to stay healthy but it's also really hard to turn down those ice cream cravings since I've not only not gained weight but I've lost since being pregnant.

I will post pics of the sonogram today, I was having some editing issues...need the hubby to come home and help me :)