The baby's room is FINALLY ready. I still have some decorating I want to do, but in terms of items of necessity we have it all (except the glider which I hope to get this week)! The crib has a mattress and sheets, we have the changing table all set and ready to go (the only thing I realized we're missing is wipes!), and the dresser is all set up and has some clothes in it! I can't believe we're just weeks away from meeting our little guy. It seems so close yet so far. It actually still feels very surreal and I'm pretty sure it will until labor really sets in and there's no turning back...not that there's any turning back now.
We made it to and back from Michigan just fine this past weekend. I'm so glad that we decided to make the trip for our friends' wedding. It was such a wonderful weekend and we had a fantastic time. It was also great to see friends that we haven't seen in a long time and with the impending arrival don't know when we'll get a chance to see them again. I also think that staying active and dancing up a storm at the wedding really helped the baby to move down. All of a sudden I'm definitely going to the bathroom more, and when we got back one of the pharmacists at work said I looked a bit lower than before I left. So hopefully things are progressing and Cooper will be here sooner than later! Can't wait...stay tuned for updates :)
At the wedding in Michigan!
Crib and outfit all ready for Cooper when he gets here!
99% of the furniture is here! Still waiting for the glider though...
Me in the baby's room.