Sunday, August 22, 2010

Too big for my britches (33 weeks 2 days)

Literally...lately I have noticed that with my increasing bump my clothing options that I bought in the early stages of my pregnancy are dwindling. I was very resistant to buying new clothes so close to the end of the pregnancy. I mean I guess it's logical, as a pregnant lady you're only going to get bigger and bigger but for some reason I really really didn't want to buy more clothes. I guess it's the old, I'm a girl and I don't want to have to buy more clothes because I'm getting fatter way of thinking. Luckily my sister was here this weekend and we shopped together and I was able to get over myself and we had some good retail therapy at the Gap :) I guess I have also been a little upset over the fact that at my last midwife visit I had gained a pretty significant amount of weight in a short time. Although most of it is water weight, I'm pretty freakin' swollen, and from what I hear around this time gaining so fast isn't unusual. The new midwife assured me that I'm on track and haven't gained too much. I like her so much already :) And at yoga today the teacher and other student in the class couldn't believe I was 33 weeks, and well that always feels good!

In other good news we have made some good progress on Cooper's room!! It's all painted and the chair rail is up temporarily (just to see how it fits it still needs to be painted and then cut properly in the corners). It's a good thing I married a handyman...even if he is a slow one :). I posted some pictures below of the room, one with the chair rail in place and one without. As excited as I am that his room is coming together, I noticed the other day that the furniture we decided on is no longer available online. Eeek! I will have to go to Babies r us next weekend and see what we can get on short notice. I know sometimes these things can take 6-12 weeks to order and well, we don't have 6-12 weeks! I guess worst case scenario we'll get a bassinet and Cooper will sleep in our room until we can get him a crib...poor child won't even have a crib to sleep in when he comes out! My parents are visiting next weekend and I'm hoping to get a lot of this nitty gritty stuff done while they are here helping.

I keep thinking I have all this time to get stuff done but really my due date is only 6.5 weeks away...that means only 3.5 weeks till full term...whaaaaat! Anyone remember when I was complaining about not showing and how slowly the pregnancy was moving along...yeah, definitely not complaining about that anymore! These next few weeks will be all about getting the house in order and getting myself ready for baby! I think/hope that I will go into labor a little earlier than my October 8th due date. I know every single pregnant lady hopes for that but I feel pretty strongly that I will, similar to how I felt I was having a boy and I was right about that so we'll see if I can go two for two :). I'm beyond excited to have this little boy, I used to be so nervous about the labor and delivery part of being pregnant and over the last couple of weeks the fear as really all but completely faded and I'm just plain excited. It still feels surreal that there will be an actual physical child to hold and cuddle and kiss when all is said and done. SO CRAZY!

Enjoy the pics below...for those of you who saw the original paint splotches months ago here's what we finally decided on!


  1. you look amazing! and i love the blue + brown combo.

  2. You look great! Not huge at all, just perfect!
