Otherwise, the trip was great, being pregnant really didn't slow me down at all. I was able to do all the walking and see all the sights. I really barely feel the extra weight. I was having some back problems before we left but that cleared itself up and I swear I don't feel pregnant until it gets in the way (bending over, reaching to grab something, etc.) We even did a little pampering and I managed to score a prenatal massage in a spa on Lake Bled in the Julian Alps! My only little set back was having to pee all the time! But seeing as the average age on the trip was pushing 60 I wasn't the only one having to go a lot!
Now that I'm back I have noticed that my hands and ankles are a tiny bit swollen and I'm hoping to stave it off by staying off my feet as much as possible and getting my diet back in order! I really don't want to have to take my rings off for months or have cankles :(
Cooper is definitely making himself known in my belly...he moves around A TON! Definitely after I eat and then in the evenings/night time of course when I want to go to bed. Sometimes he kicks so hard we can actually see it from the outside! I'm not big enough to pick out the different body parts yet, but you can see a distinct jiggle...it's CRAZY, definitely feeling a little alien invasionish. Part of me doesn't want to actually believe that I will have to push this child out of me...eek. I also have to be honest, whenever anyone asks if he is kicking I say yes and the first thing they say is "oh isn't it the best feeling in the world?" And my honest answer is...no! I don't really like the kicking, it feels so weird especially when he kicks inward instead of outward toward my belly. Don't get me wrong, I love knowing that he's awake and moving all his parts but as for the actual feeling of the kicking...no I don't really like it...does that make me a terrible person/mom? If so, too late now I guess.
I will try to get some more good belly pics and post more. I imagine I'm gonna start getting bigger much faster now. I still feel pretty small for 5 months, which I'm happy about, but who knows what the next 4 months hold! For now (until work starts) I plan on resting, relaxing with my feet up, and FINALLY getting around to registering and decorating the room!
Looking over Lapad Bay in Dubrovnik
Walking the walls of Dubrovnik
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