While I'm frustrated with my current situation, and am not seeing the benefits to having a midwife at the moment, I do believe that once I'm actually in labor there will be a difference in having the midwife there versus an OB (at least this is what I hear from other people). However, at the same time, I feel that just by the nature of having to go to the hospital and giving birth there I still won't exactly have the experience that I want. I want to be able to walk around during labor if that makes me feel better, shower, take a hot bath...whatever it may be, and those things most certainly won't be options at the hospital. I also don't like the idea of so many unfamiliar faces starting down my privates every hour and during delivery. People give birth at home with one midwife and maybe a doula all the time so why do hospitals insist on a bajillion nurses being there, and traipsing in and out? And you're in labor so long that with the change of shifts you've had 20 different strangers staring you down by the time it's all over.
So now I've been looking into private midwives in the area and am really considering home birth. While there is definitely a risk that goes along with it, I'm not so sure the risk is really any greater than being in the hospital (since we all know that comes with its own risks). I truly feel that being in a relaxed and comfortable environment will help resolve a lot of the little things that go wrong during a hospital birth. It also helps that we live approximately 5 minutes away from the hospital so if something really did go wrong we'd be there in a flash. I have a bajillion questions for this new midwife when she emails me back and I'm hoping to shed a lot of light on my current dilemma. Part of me can't envision feeling comfortable doing it at home and the other part of my can't envision feeling 100% comfortable in the hospital either. I'm hoping for some omens/signs in the near future to help me make a decision that I feel totally comfortable with!
Hi Jen! I miss you!
ReplyDeleteJust thought I would chime in even tho I have never been pregnant :) I truly believe that you should do what is right for YOU and your family no matter who thinks you are crazy. As you know my oldest sister had both of her kids at a birthing center with a midwife so that is also an alternative in between the hospital and home. Also here is a website to my friend that has decided to use a midwife as well so you can see her thought process: http://sweetbabymey.blogspot.com/
Anywho, I think whatever you decide, Cooper is going to be a very lucky boy!
Jen, you look great! Can't wait to see you next week. Here's my 2 cents whether you want it or not: whether at home or in the hospital or in a birthing center, your birth experience will probably be nothing like you are imagining now! You should do what makes you feel safe and comfortable. Birth is unpredictable; don't be disappointed if it doesn't go the way you hope or plan. At the end of the day, a healthy baby Cooper is the only thing of real importance. Getting close mama!
ReplyDeleteErica...I miss you too! I wish you were still here so we could sit at starbucks, "study," and just talk about all this stuff incessantly :) Thanks for your thoughts I'll let you know how it goes!
ReplyDeleteLeah...thanks for your input too! I know that the whole process won't go according to a "plan" I'm just trying to envision what I feel comfortable with and what is safest for both Cooper and me...oy vey the heartburn :) Can't wait to see you next week either!
LOL heartburn was the worst for me...luckily there's an instant cure...but not for another 12 weeks or so :)
ReplyDeletejenn, you are glowing! still looking fab :) good luck with the decision and i will see you sunday!