Monday, April 12, 2010

Frustrated at 14 weeks!

So I've been feeling really frustrated lately...I'm not really showing yet but I don't exactly have my pre-baby body either. I just feel kind of chunky and it's super frustrating b/c I want to have a belly to show off, not just a shirt that is too tight! Ryan keeps wanting to take a belly pic, but there's not really anything to take a picture of. I think my fat is just kind of redistributing and so I have one kind of bump above the belly button and then one bump unflattering! I still haven't gained any weight either. Never thought I'd be excited to gain weight but I'm just itching to look pregnant! I guess when I think of a pregnant woman in her 2nd trimester I just always assumed I'd be showing by now! I know one day I'm just gonna wake up with a belly and in a month or two when I'm huge I'm going to wonder why I ever was wishing this upon myself, but I just can't wait anymore! Guess there's not much else I can do, though....

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