Sunday, May 23, 2010

Over half way!

So graduation and 20 weeks are all behind me. (Yes, you can just call me Dr. :) We had lots of family here and did lots of stuff and I am just plain exhausted. Every night I couldn't believe how tired I was come dinner time, I didn't think I'd be able to make it much later. I guess this pregnancy is affecting me a little more than I thought! I'm in that nice stage where I'm not so big that my daily activities have become a chore and I feel so good that if I didn't look down I wouldn't even know I was pregnant! The one thing I have noticed though is that I get hungry VERY often and I get very hungry very quickly. Yes I had snacks in my dress pockets at graduation :)

On a bump watch note I've finally started showing! I really think I popped on graduation day! That morning I was still riding the line between kinda fat and maybe pregnant and now I definitely think I'm moving toward the definitely pregnant side of that line (see picture below).

We're still very excited about hearing the news of our little baby boy who will officially be known as Cooper Max Stevens when he arrives in October. I still feel like this is all pretty surreal but I'm loving being pregnant so far and can't wait to look even more pregnant...yes yes I know I'm crazy and when I'm huge and uncomfortable I'll wonder why I wished any of this on myself :) I'll keep posting pics as I get bigger!

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