Monday, May 10, 2010

CHICAGOLAND! 18 weeks 3 days

This past weekend I was given an amazing opportunity to jet off to Chicago, very last minute, to visit some good friends! It was soooo much fun, but I can't believe how exhausted I am. I was happily surprised with how much I was able to keep up with my friends on very little sleep no less! This was the first time seeing a bunch of my friends since spreading the pregnancy news and it was so cute to see how excited they were. Everyone kept touching my belly and making sure I had a water or Shirley Temple at the bar.

Luckily, over the past few days I feel like I have actually grown a little belly that people can actually rub. It's still not the "baby belly" that I think of when I think of a pregnant person, but my stomach is definitely getting hard and I think within a couple of weeks I will look pregnant! I have finally gained a couple of pounds so I feel like things are finally headed in the right direction. I have a midwife appointment this week and then next Monday we find out the sex! We'll see if my new motherly intuition is on the mark or not...I'm seeing blue, so we'll see what the sonogram says!

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