Monday, May 17, 2010

SPOILER ALERT (19 weeks 3 days)

If you aren't interested in knowing the sex of the baby then don't read any further!!!

IT'S A BOY!!! I knew it all along :) I'm so ecstatic because I really was starting to think of the baby as a "he" and I always referred to him as that from day one. I can't wait for him to start moving around in there a little more and to see if I can get a little glimpse of his personality. As my mom says, this makes it so much more real! I sort of felt like everything was on hold until we could find out the sex, now we can shop till our hearts content and decorate the room!

It came at great timing too since both sets of parents and my sister will be here this week for graduation. No one has seen me since I look somewhat pregnant now. I saw my family around when I was 12 weeks and we have not seen Ryan's family since we've been pregnant. Can't wait to celebrate with the family!

I will post belly pics and sono pics later (probably tomorrow!)

And now it's even more appropriate...GO BLUE!

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